
Leak detection

Anlagensanierung, Instandhaltung, Optimierung

Leak detection in case of water losses in swimming pools – fast and precise localization using the tracer gas method


In the worst case scenario, leaking pipes in swimming pools can cause considerable consequential damage to neighboring buildings and structures.

Our specially trained experts with long years of experience in constructing swimming pools and treatment systems will reliably detect existing leaks and leaking pipelines and will, if so desired, be the head of our specialist team for repair of damage.

With the tracer gas method, even the smallest leaks can be located quickly and accurately.


Leak detection with the tracer gas method is mainly used in outdoor swimming pools around the pool area. For example, it has already been possible to locate damage to inlet pipes, outlet pipes, pool bypasses etc.. This means that all invisible pipe damages can be detected and repaired.

In contrast to optical or acoustic methods, this method can be used regardless of diameter, operating pressure and material of the pipe. Localization can be carried out on all pipes (steel, cast iron, plastic) used in water technology.

  • Avoiding consequential damages
  • Reduction of recurring costs (replenishment of fresh water, energy costs, increased chemical requirements)
  • Avoidance of infiltration by extraneous water and dirt particles

In consultation with the operating personnel, possible points of damage are localized in advance and the scope of application is adapted to your requirements and the conditions on site.

Are you planning a project or do you have questions about leak detection?

We will be happy to assist you. Please call us or leave us a message.

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+49 9229 97370-0

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