
Filter material

Process water, waste water, drinking water, swimming pool water


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Filter Material


WBG provides filter materials for mono-layer or multi-layer filters. The filter materials are selected specifically for your application. Our special requirements on materials (hardness, resistance to abrasion and granulometry) will secure stable operation for the entire lifetime of your plant.

Materials of different density and grain size are combined in multi-layer filters. For selection of the appropriate filter materials, we take into account the parameters: height of filter material layer, penetration depth, head loss and water quality required.

WBG filter sand / filter gravel


is crystalline quartz sand according to DIN EN 12904. Natural quartz sands are upgraded in modern drying and screening plants to produce filter sands/gravels for water purification filters.

The products also fulfil the requirements of DIN 4924 for filter sands and filter gravels for well construction.

Deacidification material



is a high quality, natural filter material in accordance with the requirements of DIN EN 1018. The product is extracted from a White Jurassic deposit with a microcrystalline structure. The CaCO3 content is over 99 %, the proportion of inorganic accompanying substances is far below the purity requirements.

WBG-JuraCalcite neutralises aggressive carbonic acid and hardens very soft water. By raising the pH value and adjusting the lime-carbonic acid balance, corrosion in pipework and tanks is minimised. The miscibility of different drinking waters according to DVGW W 216 is facilitated.

Existing deacidification filters can be converted to WBG-JuraCalcite at any time. If refilling is required, WBG-JuraCalcite is filled in and the filter system is put back into operation after filter backwashing.

WBG-Dolomit SM

in chippy grain form is partially calcined dolomite and complies with the specifications of DIN EN 1017.

Partially calcined dolomite is produced by calcining raw dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 at temperatures of around 850°C. This results in partial deacidification to CaCO3 * MgO.

WBG-Dolomite SM is mainly used in deacidification filters to adjust calcite saturation (pHc) in accordance with the Drinking Water Ordinance. This involves increasing the concentration of calcium, magnesium and hydrogen carbonate ions.

The recommendations for use must be observed when applying WBG-Dolomite SM. In particular, the filter system should be operated as continuously as possible. If large quantities of iron and/or manganese are detected or for sulphate-containing water, its use should be checked.

Filter charcoal / Anthracite


WBG-Carbon CS

is a highly active, activated carbon grain made from selected types of coconut shells. The special pore structure creates a large active surface area for maximum adsorption capacity. WBG-Carbon CS has excellent backwashing properties and is suitable for multiple thermal reactivations. Bed classification and adsorption profile are preserved even after repeated backwashing. This maximises service life until breakthrough.

WBG filter coal H

is based on thermally treated coal. The product meets the requirements of DIN 12907, DIN 19643 and DVGW W210 / W212.

The abrasion-resistant, porous, rough surface structure of the filter material results in a high sludge holding capacity. WBG filter carbon H is characterised by long filter service life and low backwash water consumption.

WBG filter carbon H is preferably used in multi-layer filters for filtration of water containing solids, suspended solids and turbidity.

It can also be used in single-layer filters.

WBG anthracite N

is a purely natural product. It is manufactured using a special process so that it fulfils the requirements of DIN EN 12909 and DIN 19643 as well as DVGW worksheets W 210 and W 212.

WBG anthracite N is used specifically for multi-layer filtration of water containing solids, suspended solids and turbidity; it can also be used in single-layer filters.

The grain shape of WBG anthracite N leads to a high sludge holding capacity.

Ion exchange resins


Delivery of ion exchange resins for:

  • Complete demineralisation
  • condensate polishing
  • Softening and nitrate removal (neutral exchange)
  • Partial demineralisation

We provide resins of leading manufacturers and choose the best product for your application.

Are you planning a project or do you have questions about our products?

We will be happy to assist you. Please call us or leave us a message.

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+49 9229 97370-0

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