Clean water where it is needed:

Demineralization system in container for rent

1 x Demineralization system in 40 ft. steel container, completely insulated, with lateral access door.


Dimensions:            length: 12.192 mm, width:  2.438 mm, height: 2.890 mm

Output:                    10 m3/h at 25°C

Conductivity:            < 0,6 - 0,8 ηs/cm

TOC:                           < 0,1 mg/l

The plant components installed in the con-tainer are dimensioned for an output of 10 m³/h and include the following process steps:


1.2           1   Softening plant as double system

                      for uninterrupted soft water production during



1.3           1   UV disinfection system

                      minimum irradiance 17 W/m²


1.4           1   Reverse osmosis system

                      permeate capacity max. 10 m³/h, min. 6.6 m³/h


1.5           1   Membrane degassing

                      CO2 input max. 10 mg/l

                      CO2 output medium/max. 2.0/2.3 mg/l


1.6           1   Electro deionization system

                      net flow rate 10 m³/h

                      production 95%


1.7           1   Mixed bed filter (control filter)

                      flow rate 10 m³/h


1.8           1   Control cabinet

                      with completely autarkic control system Si-matic S7



For further information please call us or leave us a message.


We are certified according to:


DIN ISO 45001

German Water Directive (WHG)

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Phone: +49 9229 97370-0

Fax:      +49 9229 97370-11

Tiefe Äcker 5

95336 Mainleus | Germany

WasserBauGesellschaft Kulmbach mbH

© 2023    WBG  WasserBauGesellschaft Kulmbach mbH